Monday, January 30, 2012

18 Weeks!

18 Weeks and growing!!!!

Week: 18
Baby: Baby Pease is the size of a sweet potato. He or she is busy yawning, hiccuping, sucking, kicking, etc. 
Stretch Marks: No
Maternity Clothes: Yes! Thanks to all of my friends who have generously donated a lot of tops...makes it a little easier. I still need to go and get a few more work outfits- but I am wearing maternity clothes, pants at least, everyday! 
Sleep: I have fully adjusted to sleeping on my side and have been sleeping more soundly. However, I have very crazy "pregnancy" dreams about all sorts of things and wake up with really bad hip pains. I think I will cave and buy a body pillow this week- it is the only advice I have gotten from anyone for the sore hips. Good to know I am not alone in that though, and I have been feeling so well throughout the pregnancy- I feel lucky that sore hips and strange dreams are the worst of it!
Movement: Maybe? I feel like I can feel a little flicker here and there, but never two in a row for me to stop long enough and realize if that is it or not. They say second time moms feel it this early on because they know what they feel like so they recognize the really short, early movements. I should feel a lot more activity around 20 weeks!
Yummy: Oreos and Milk have satisfied the sweet tooth I had lost for a while (who would have thought that was possible!) and I am still really liking peanut butter and cereal and any fruit!
Eww!: M&M's- may seem strange, but I have a huge Costco bag at school that I use for incentives during guided reading and I used to have to use what very little self control I have to not eat them constantly. I have not been able to eat them this whole pregnancy- not just because I am trying to eat really well, but because they just taste awful to me now! Might not be a bad aversion to have...
Symptoms: Sore hips and bleeding gums- a strange symptom of the second trimester! Body pillow and extra brushing, here I come :) Other than that, I feel great- so no complaints here!
Mood: Happy and Content
High of the week: Registering for Baby Pease! It was so exciting to be able to spend the weekend picking out all sorts of goodies for the little one. It may seem a little early, but I really wanted to complete the task before the 20 week appointment. I knew that if I had already gone through the registry process, I would not want to go back and change anything..and figured this would reduce any urge to last minute scream at the ultrasound tech that I want to know the gender of the baby! The registry is done, about 10 unisex outfits are hung in the closet, and there is no going back now....Baby Pease will be a surprise!
Low of the week: A toothache that killed. That's all...not a bad week, huh?
Most looking forward to: Really feeling the baby move...big there is no mistaking what it is! 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Registry :)

Justin and I went out and tackled the baby registry this weekend. We had done some research and looked into reviews for the most important things and made a priority list of what we really needed. We have registered at Buy Buy Baby, Babies 'R Us, and Target. We still have some things to add once we figure out the nursery and crib situation. We also need to pick out a convertible car seat with great ratings and a reasonable price as we will be needing two of them, one for each car! I am sure we will play with this in the coming months, but for the most part, we are finished! Feel free to check it out and let us know if you think we are missing anything big!

Target Registry
Babies 'R Us Registry
Buy Buy Baby Registry

Sunday, January 22, 2012

17 Weeks

17 Weeks!

Week: 17
Baby: Baby Pease is the size of an onion.  He/She has a unique set of fingerprints and is starting to yawn! Also, the skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone. 
Stretch Marks: None! Using Bio-Oil and lots of lotion to try and avoid them.
Maternity Clothes: Becoming more necessary...
Sleep: I have been sleeping a little better as I have adjusted to sleeping on my side. I wake up to my hips really hurting and have to switch sides. I hear a pillow between your knees helps (thanks, Candice) so I am going to try that. 
Movement: Not yet- hopefully this week!
Yummy: Strawberries and Cereal 
Eww!: Still not fond of meat on its own- but I can handle it mixed in with things- such as spaghetti sauce, tacos, omelets, salads, etc. 
Symptoms: Thankful to still be feeling great! Getting a little itchy- but Justin would say I was like that before pregnancy. I hear it gets even worse- oh, well! 
Mood: Excited :)
High of the week: Seeing some friends for the first time and getting to share all of the pregnancy news and stories again. It doesn't get old sharing stories of how we found out, telling our parents, etc. We feel so blessed to have friends and family who are so excited for us and excited to meet Baby Pease! 
Low of the week: Had my first pregnancy meltdown! We were sitting on the couch Friday night and I was reading about this upcoming week in our pregnancy books. I came to the section of diet and how many calories I should be consuming each day- 2200-2700 a day! I knew that I wasn't eating that much and instantly starting crying. I was so worried that I was not giving the baby enough nutrients. Justin helped me calm down, I ate cereal and a banana, and went to bed! Woke up realizing that I am eating enough for me and growing just fine and sometimes you just have to listen to your body and not everything you read! WOW- glad Justin can handle these crazy moments and bring me back down to reality! Love you! 
Most looking forward to: Feeling the baby move- hurry up :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

16 Weeks

16 Weeks 
We are 16 weeks along! Only 24 to go! We will start adding weekly pictures and info updates. Here is the first one!

Week: 16
Baby: Baby Pease is the size of a Turnip (5 inches, 5 ounces)!  Another book says about the size of your open hand! The baby is beginning to accumulate cute baby fat and can hear our voices! Time to start reading stories and singing in the shower!
Stretch Marks: Not Yet
Maternity Clothes: Sometimes. I have a be band that I borrowed from Lindsey that is allowing me to stay in some of my pre-pregnancy pants a bit longer! It is amazing!
Sleep: I can no longer sleep on my back or my stomach- they say that it can limit the oxygen supply to the baby, so I am now a side sleeper. Having to convert to that, along with constantly being worried that I will turn over to my stomach or back, has made me a light sleeper...which I never thought would be possible! Oh, and I am still up to use the bathroom every couple hours! Oh, Joy! 
Movement: Not yet- but all the books say sometime between 16-20 weeks!
Yummy: Peanut Butter
Eww!: Meat
Symptoms: Still feel great.  Feeling some of the "growing pains" and stretching as the bump gets a little bigger!
Mood: Happy and excited, and still a little tired!
High of the week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat at the appointment, which I sent Justin home from because the office lost power and I was going to have to reschedule. I feel so bad that you missed it, J! Xo!
Low of the week: Actually feeling hungover after the wedding we went to because I haven't been up that late and had that little sleep in 4 months. It wasn't fair for a girl who drank water all night! :)
Most looking forward to: Feeling the baby move- should be any day now!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Baby Bedding

This website is really cool. You can design your own baby bedding. This will help me get an idea for what I want to do in the room so my mom can make the bedding. Justin and I talked it over and he is OK with doing something a little less "babyish". We want to do something in the brown, olive, and tan range. Kind of fun to play around with. :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Christmas 2011

What a wonderful Christmas! We were so happy we were able to tell our parents together. Who would have thought that would have been possible. It will certainly be a Christmas we will never forget! We love you guys! 

3 months down! Little bump starting to show!

two months along 

one month pregnant


Due to my latest obsession with pinterest, I have fallen in love with peoples blogs about teaching, families, cooking, and babies! I thought having this blog would be a fun way for our family and friends to follow us through the next 6 months as we prepare for the arrival of Baby Pease :) We will post as often as we can with updates and photos. Enjoy!