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39 Weeks |
I hope this is my last entry.... for the pregnancy, anyway!
Week: 39
Baby: Baby Pease is the size of a watermelon...this week, it looks and feels that way! This is one huge baby bump!
Stretch Marks: Nope! Not anywhere on the belly that I can actually still see, anyway!
Maternity Clothes: Looking forward to wearing some normal clothes somewhat soon....this wardrobe is getting tiring and impossible with the heat. Looking at a few days in the 100's this upcoming week. Fingers crossed she arrives before then!
Sleep: Tossing and turning, and using the bathroom often...but still getting plenty of rest.
Movement: Still active and moving around...I don't know how she has any room in there!
Yummy: Sugar snap peas, passion ice tea lemonade from Starbucks, cake (from Justin's birthday!), pasta, pizza, cereal, strawberries, and watermelon!
Eww!: Coffee, Bananas, and yogurt!
Symptoms: Everything but actual labor contractions!
Mood: Impatient....very impatient! And nervous and anxious and excited and getting restless sitting around and waiting. Leave it to our child to be stubborn and come when she wants though. She is standing her ground already :)
High of the week: Lots! Justin's birthday was great. One last birthday just the two of us! We had meatloaf (his favorite), cake, and presents! Drew and Candice welcomed their little baby boy, Caden- and I got to visit him the morning of Justin's birthday! He is absolutely precious! My friends from work, Amanda and Melissa, also had their babies this week- Emily and Declan! Both so cute and cannot wait to meet them! Congrats to all of you lucky ladies who had beautiful babies this week! I am so happy (and jealous!) for each of you and can't wait for future play dates!
Low of the week: Heading to the hospital because I thought my water broke, only to be told it was urinary incontinence because she is pressing so hard on my bladder. In other words, no labor- just peeing myself and it will probably continue occasionally until she is born. Lucky me :) I am still only 1 cm and 50% effaced. Hoping that labor kicks in soon.
Most looking forward to: My appointment on Monday morning! Wanting to know if there is anything more they can do to move this along. Hoping we can discuss an induction date so we have an end in sight!