Baby: Baby Pease is the size of a honeydew. She is anywhere from 4.2-5.8 pounds and should be almost full length!
Stretch Marks: No- still using bio oil every night and a sugar scrub in the shower on my belly!
Maternity Clothes: Even the maternity clothes are starting to get a little snug....or I guess, short. The shirts don't seem to be long enough to cover this big belly. I have been wearing a lot of Justin's t-shirts and have even found that buying some clothes in the women's department, but larger, has worked well. It is hard to dress comfortably in this warm weather...I am thankful I will not be pregnant all summer!
Movement: Moving a ton again! It is like a dance party in there all the time. You can actually watch my stomach roll and move with her. It is unreal! Although it still makes me concerned that she is not head down.
Yummy: Watermelon, Iced coffee drinks, Mango lemonade, any kind of cereal, pancakes
Eww!: Regular coffee (which I guess is a good thing!) and certain brands of milk, which I never seemed to notice before.
Symptoms: Just exhausted....really, really exhausted. I am finding it more and more difficult to get through the workday and I am thankful there are only two weeks of school left. I have been having more lower back pain, really sore (but not too swollen) feet, extremely sore hips, and horrible heartburn. I also can no longer shave my legs, put on shoes, or really get dressed without help! Thank God Justin is so awesome and helpful with everything!
Mood: Impatient....I am ready to meet her!
High of the week: My feet were so sore this weekend and Justin soaked towels in ice water and wrapped my feet in them and it was heaven on earth! Best husband ever! Oh, and we picked our pediatrician this week- so I feel like we have all of the big things taken care of. We will be using North Arlington Pediatrics in Arlington Heights!
Low of the week: Too tired/huge to enjoy activities that I want to be able to enjoy! I actually miss walking the dog and being able to take a bath or get out of bed without it being a struggle. I have truly enjoyed being pregnant and I know I have had it very easy...and I am so thankful for that...but I am about done! I am just constantly uncomfortable!
Most looking forward to: A long weekend and then school being over so I can nest a little before this little girl arrives. Cannot wait to meet her sweet little face!
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